Be Less Curious About People & More Curious About Ideas —Marie Curie
Business focused diversity strategies

Teams that recognize the business value of diversity have leveraged our formal education, training, and experience on the subject for over three decades, to effectively address what some thought to be an intractable organizational challenge. The scope of our contributions have ranged from designing talent management systems for optimized recruitment, hiring, training, promotion, and retention of a diverse workforce, to facilitating brown bag lunch sessions on the topic at job-sites around the world.

We leverage our multifaceted perspective on diversity to help our clients build an organization that best represents their values. Our firmly held belief is that companies devoted to generating intrepid ideas about diversity, with a pragmatic plan for achieving them will have a distinct performance advantage in the 21st century marketplace.

Engagement-centered inclusion practices

A diverse workforce thrives in an environment that encourages candid dialogue, respectful dissent, bold thinking, and a willingness to speak truth to power. These are the hallmark characteristics of highly inclusive cultures, which inspire employees to disrupt their industries with innovative products, and proactively facilitate process improvement initiatives for improved operational efficiency.

Masterful coaching and mentoring skills are core leadership competencies in such work climates, because communication feedback systems are engineered to increase interactions between managers and their direct reports. We view diversity and inclusion as reinforcing variables in high-performance cultures, and deliver results that optimize this relationship.

Companies leverage our deep understanding of diversity and inclusion for:
  • Creating Job & Program Specific Candidate Pools
  • Vetting High-Potential Candidates
  • Hiring Employees
  • Managing Direct-Reports
  • Leading in Executive Roles
  • Designing Instructional Material
  • Training a High-Performance Workforce
  • Building Talent Pipelines
  • Facilitating Workshops
  • Transforming Organizations